Time to Buy? What are the Current Market Conditions ?

3 First-Time Home Buying Tips

May 14th, 2014 2:16 PM by Scott Berglund


  1. Compare Prices: One of the most important parts of home buying is comparing price points in your prospective area to make sure your pursued listing is priced appropriately for your desired market. This research can come in handy during later negotiations.
  2. Calculate Total Monthly Cost: Remember to negotiate all of the costs that will go into your overall monthly payments. This includes more than just your mortgage, but also homeowner’s insurance, taxes, and utilities.
  3. Closing Costs: First-time buyers often forget the adding closing costs that go into home buying. Remember to budget for these to make sure your funds cover all added expenses.


Are you interested in buying a home in Palos Verdes? Peninsula Properties offers quality real estate services to help you find your first dream home fast.

Posted in:General
Posted by Scott Berglund on May 14th, 2014 2:16 PM